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Job<a英语手抄报内容 src="https://sc.wonn.cn/scb/dt3r4sxyntl11918.jpg" onload=resizepic(this)>

Job<a英语手抄报内容 src="https://sc.wonn.cn/scb/ijhqmck5buf11919.jpg" onload=resizepic(this)>

My favorite job英语手抄报内容:

My favorite jobs are pilot and fireman.I want to be a pilot because l want to fly an aeroplane,I like to sit in the aeroplane,but l don't want to drive an aeroplane :l want to be a pilot,l want to play with the cloud everyday,l want to fly to many place,l want to be a fireman.because l want to help people in the fire,l want to put out fires.
I like my job.